Narciso Rosário

Narciso Rosario

Rogério Narciso da Silva was born in Piracuruca, in the North-eastern state of Piauí, on the 5th April 1989. He lived in his place of birth until 2010, when he moved to the capital city of Teresina, where he developed his research in the field of visual arts, as an artist, book illustrator, tattoo artist and video game designer. His references include a multitude of visual artists, from Moebius, Enki Bilal, Katsuhiro Otomo, Araki Hirohiko and Claude Monet, to Gabriel Archanjo do Espírito Santo (a visual artist from Teresina), Leno Carvalho (a cartoonist from Teresina), João Borges (a sculptor from Maranhão), and Mestre Dezinho (an artisan from Piauí), amongst many others. His visual poetics draw on everyday experiences and are fuelled by individual and collective memories, making use of diverse materials.